
Margaret Thorsborne  – Becoming a Trauma-Informed Restorative Educator – interview with Nick Burnett

margaret thorsborne interview

Michelle Stowe Interview with Margaret Thorsborne

Dr. Jennifer Fuller Interview with Margaret Thorsborne

Marg Thorsborne Interview

Leading in a Restorative School

TEDxDarwin | The healing power of dialogue

University of Queensland Business Leadership MicroMasters

The Power of Dialogue V1

University of Queensland Business Leadership MicroMasters

Restorative Approach to Serious Conflict V2

The Nature of Emotional Harm

Nelson Marlborough Health Services Board Talk

Leading in a Restorative Community

Session Interview

Book Interview

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Thanks to @NAPD_IE for the opportunity to bust some RP Myths that school leaders may be navigation within a school growing its commitment to RP. What a resourceful publication .. I love & appreciate the prominence & invitation of Wendell Berry’s poem on the front cover!

Good read. Schools are always asked to do more with less. Doing less to do better at what’s really important makes perfect sense.

"Go back to the @educationgovuk & rip up the behaviourist approach to education. It creates a world where neurodiverse children, those with anxiety, mental health and even the timid cannot survive." Absolutely agree @RachaelMaskell 👏 @teamsquarepeg @NotFineinSchool

Dr Ross Greene:

1. Children do well when they can.
2. ‘Challenging behaviour’ = lagging skills.
3. Support relevant skills development.
4. Focus on relationship, connection, psychological safety.
5. Anticipate spikey profile as child adjusts and starts to feel safe/grow.

I cried reading this:

I have been given permission to share this autistic childs thoughts on school & why it is inaccessible for her
#SEND #autismacceptance #AutismAwareness

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